The Whole Egg

Anyone eating only egg whites is disrespecting the Chicken God. Bodybuilding guru Vince Gironda advised eating 36 whole eggs a day. This was based on the research of British plastic surgeons feeding that many eggs to burn victims to maintain positive nitrogen balance. That's 6,696 milligrams o... Read More

Purple & Scarlet

Purple is a color for conserving sexual energy. Purple is associated with the kidneys and genitals. It's a venous stimulant and renal and adrenal depressant that acts as an anaphrodisiac, suppressing genital energy. Purple has analgesic, narcotic, and hypnotic qualities, and it's used to count... Read More

Balancing Hormones

The following foods and food combinations are hormone balancers. They particularly support buoyant sex hormones and facilitate conception and a healthy pregnancy and delivery. Stomach Time (7:00-9:00 a.m.) is the time for Cobalamin Tonic, what Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) called a "hormone b... Read More

Minerals In Rotation

"Can you tell me which man is from southern Africa and which one is from the northern part of the continent?" Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) asked, nodding in the direction of two men sitting at a nearby restaurant table. We were driving from Houston to Dallas, where Adano was scheduled to teach ... Read More

Over the Handlebars

A few days after my fourth wife left me, I threw some of the odds and ends she didn't take with her in a bag to take to the trash. I jumped on my bicycle and headed for the dumpster, holding on to the handlebars with one hand. I "wiped out," and flew over the handlebars. I stood up in the middle ... Read More