Aluminum Pros & Cons

According to Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) ... "Too much aluminum causes Alzheimer's disease. Too little loses an erection. The penis can't hold an erection without aluminum. The womb can't function correctly either." "Aluminum oxide causes the problem, not aluminum, just as iron oxide is the... Read More

Binding Free Will

George Gurdjieff (Views from the Real World, 1973) wrote ... "Real free will can only be when one I always directs, when man has a Master for his team. An ordinary man has no master; the carriage constantly changes passengers and each passenger calls himself I." <> According to Scott Adams ... Read More

Life Below the Brain

There is life below the brain. Martial artists often travel south of the neck. Henry Maudsley (Body and Mind, 1873) wrote ... "It is well known that, if the hind-foot of a frog that has had its head cut off be pinched, it is withdrawn from the irritation. The stimulus to the afferent nerve rea... Read More