In order to calculate the solar time in your area, Please enter:
The date
The clock time
The time zone. If you are unsure of the time zone, search (i.e. Google) "time zone for your [city/town/village] in your [state/region/country]."
The longitude. If you are unsure of the longitude, search "longitude for your [city/town/village] in your [state/region/country]." Also note: longitude is an east-west coordinate. If your longitude is east, you will enter a (+) sign at the beginning of the longitude (i.e. +80.2700). If your longitude is west, you will enter a (-) sign at the beginning of the longitude (i.e. -88.4000).
If it is daylight saving time in your area, click the "Daylight Saving Time" button. Daylight Saving Time in the United States begins in the spring and ends in the fall.
Once all information is correctly entered, click "Calculate Solar Time."